Village Board

The Rockton Board of Trustees is the legislative branch of Village Government which creates all Village policy administered by the Village Mayor. The Board of Trustees, along with the Village Mayor, serve as the corporate authorities. Three Trustees are elected by the citizens of Rockton every two years for four year terms. Board members’ terms commence on the first Monday in May following their election.

As corporate authorities the Board of Trustees possesses and exercises all legislative powers of the Village, determining the policies of the Village government through the adoption or approval of ordinances, resolutions, motions, approval of agreements, appropriations and fiscal budgets. Appointments to advisory Boards and Commissions are made by the Village Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees. Additionally the Board of Trustees exercises responsible leadership by (1) critically examining and regularly reviewing Village policies, programs, and operations; (2) assuming the role of community opinion leaders and; (3) generating public support for Village programs and services.

The Board meets at 7:00pm on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Meetings are held at the Village Municipal Center, 110 East Main Street. Admin & Public Works Committee meetings are held the first and third Mondays of each month.  The Budget & Finance Committee meetings are held prior to the Board meeting on the notes tuesdays.