Police Commission

Mission Statement

To provide independent civilian oversight and governance of the Rockton Police Department to ensure a safe community. We strive to create a climate of mutual respect and partnership between the community and the Police Department.     


What the Police Commission Does

Commission functions include recruitment and testing for entry-level positions in the Police Department; testing for promotional positions; hearing appeals by members of the Department who have been disciplined by their Chief; hearing citizen complaints. Commission members are employees of the Village of Rockton.


Recruitment and Testing

Commission staff have an active outreach program, in coordination with the Police Department, to recruit candidates for Police Officer. The Board has a long-standing commitment to ensuring the Public Safety of the Rockton community. Applicants must meet minimum requirements, set by the State of Illinois for Police Officers. Commission staff develop and administer a variety of examinations, including written, physical ability and oral tests, a background investigation, a medical examination, and drug screening. Applicants who pass all components are hired according to their total score on an Eligible List. Police Officers are hired at intervals for training classes. Commission staff develop and administer promotional examinations for all positions in the Department which are not specifically exempt. Tests are comprehensive, and may include written, oral, and job simulation components. The Commission does not test for positions, including administrative ranks, which are classified as "exempt". When such a position is vacant, the mayor nominates a candidate for Village Board approval.


Disciplinary Appeals

With certain exceptions, members of the Police Departments may appeal to the Commission if they believe they have been unfairly dismissed, demoted, or suspended for more than five days. Disciplinary appeals are heard by a panel of Board members. The panel may sustain, modify, or deny the Chief's action.


Citizen Complaints

Any aggrieved person may enter a complaint against Police Department. The complaint must identify a specific act of wrongdoing. Complaints may be resolved through a process of conciliation, in which the aggrieved person and the accused try to reach agreement through discussion, or through a full due process hearing conducted by the Board.


Policy Oversight

The Board also has authority to make rules and regulations regarding promotion, testing and disciplinary hearing. Any new or changed rule requires Commission review, approval and publication in local newspaper before it can be implemented.


Police Commission Meeting Schedule

Currently, the Commission meets at:

        Rockton Village Hall

        110 East Main St

        Rockton, Il 61072.

        Phone: 815-624-8881

        Fax: 815-624-4955


        Email: rfpc@rocktonvillage.com.
All regularly scheduled meetings are open to the public.


Police Commissioners

Richard Stewart, Chairman

Shawn Connors

David Nicosia, Secretary

Charles Kostantacos, Attorney



(EEO) Equal Employment Opportunities

The Village of Rockton and the Police Commission provides equal treatment and opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation except where such distinction is required by law. This statement reflects compliance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all other federal and state regulations.