Lead Service Line Program

Effective January 1, 2022, the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act (LSLRNA) (Public Act 102-0613) replaced the former lead materials inventory requirements found in the Illinois Environmental Protection Act at 415 ILCS 5/17.11. The first purpose of the LSLRNA is to require owners and operators of community water supplies to develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive water service line material inventory and replacement plan. The lead service line replacement and notification requirements can be found at 415 ILCS 5/17.12. A well-developed materials inventory will allow communities to be able to prioritize and strategize the replacement of known lead service lines within their water distribution system. For more information on the Village of Rockton's efforts in complying with the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act, and the dangers of lead, please see the PDF documentation below.


  • The Service Line Inventory page below contains an Excel file of the Village of Rockton's active water service line inventory. Please note that the inventory is subject to change as time progresses.
  • The Service Line Replacement page below contains information about the Village of Rockton's initial replacement plan draft, and a PDF copy of the plan. The plan is continuing to be developed, and may change over time.
  • The Service Line Materials Map page below contains an interactive map detailing the known materials for each water service in the Village of Rockton. This map is subject to change overtime.
The Village of Rockton is in the process of seeking a loan from the Illinois EPA to help fund our LSL Replacement Program. Please visit the link below titled 'Lead and Copper Project Summary and Environmental Impacts Determination' for more information on this process.